Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ini dia tips merawat tas branded yang perlu anda tahu!

Bagi sebagian wanita menggunakan grosir tas import branded selain menambah percaya diri juga nyaman di pakai. Pada jaman sekarang ini tas bukanlah tempat primer untuk mebawa barang akan tetapi hanya sebagai aksesoris atau pelengkap fashion agar terlihat cantik nan modis.  Pada jaman dahulu seseorang memiliki satu tas sudah cukup. Akan tetapi sekarang bahkan satu orang bisa memiliki lebih dari 3 tas branded dengan jenis dan warna  berbeda. Bukan hanya memilih saja yang perlu diperhatikan, kita harus memperhatikan perawatan tas supaya tetap terlihat bagus baik warna maupun kulitas tasnya.

Banyak sekali wanita mengeluhkan jika tas branded baru sudah mengelupas padahal baru dipakai beberapa bulan saja. Beli di grosir tas import batam terbaru Warnanya pudar atau kusam padahal tas mahal. Jangan panik, itu bukan salah tas mahal atau bukan tapi masalah bagaimana kamu merawatnya. Jangan khawatir disini kami akan mengupas tuntas cara perawatan dari berbagai macam bahan agar tas kamu tetap kinclong dan awet.

Tips Merawat Tas Wanita Branded
1. Suede
Suede atas sering disebut bludru ini cukup banyak diminati para wanita. Sebenarnya bludru dan seude ini berbeda. Jika bludru adalah kain bukan kulit sedangkan suede adalah kulit yang dibalik dan sudah di samak. Beda kan? Selain terkesan santai model dengan bahan seude juga memiliki model unik. Hanya saja perawatan  bahan suede ini lebih sulit dari  sintetis. Masalah terbesar untuk tas berbahan suede adalah noda  menempel sulit dibersihkan.
Berikut cara perawatannya:
• Terkena noda: Usapkan air hanya pada  bercaknya saja karena jika dicuci semua makan bercak akan semakin menjalar banyak.
• Terkena minyak: Ambil tepung maizena usapkan sedikit pada bahan suede yang terkena minyak. diamkan 25-30 menit. taburkan sedikit maizena dengan sikat suede lembut.
• Saat mencuci jangan gunakan sabun, cukup gunakan kuas lukis. Basahi tas lalu gosok pelan dengan kain lukis dan gunakan tissue atau kalin halus untuk menyerap air agar cepat kering.

2. Taiga
Taiga hampir sama dengan bahan kulit jeruk atau sintetis. Perawatan untuk tas branded ini pun memiliki sedikit perbedaan.
• Untuk mengilangkan noda jangan gunakan detergent, cukup campurkan baking soda dalam air kemudia gosok-gosokkan pelan pada noda.
• Hindarkan terkena minyak wangi, karena tas jika sering terkena mintak wangi warnanya akan mudah memudar.
• Hindarkan paparan matahari langsung terlalu lama

3. Bahan Sintetis
Sintetis atau sering disebut Pu leather menyerupai bahan kulit asli. Masalah umum tas branded berbahan sintetis adalah kulit mengelupas.
Berikut adalah cara perawatan kulit sintetis:
Tips Merawat Tas wanita Branded agar awet
• Jangan menyimpan tas pada tempat  lembab, karena tempat lembab akan membuat tas sintetis cepat rapuh
• Gunakan dustbag saat menyimpan agar tidak terkena debu
• Setelah dipakai untuk pergi bersihkan tas dengan lap microfiber untuk menghilangkan debu menempel pada tas
• Jika terkena noda jangan cuci dengan detergent karena detergent akan merusak bahan sintetis, cukup usap air hangat dengan lembut.
• Hindari tas terpapar sinar matahari langsung terlalu lama
• Tas yang sering dipakai akan lebih baik dari pada disimpan lama
• Jika resleting mengalami gangguan atau susah untuk berjalan cukup gosokkan lilin pada resleting.

4. Bahan Canvas
Ini biasanya dugunakan oleh anak sekolah, traveler atau kerja. Jenis tas ini sangat digemari karena mudah dalam perawatan dan tidak mudah rusak.
• Sebelum tas dibersihkan, isi penuh tas dengan kain atau kertas agar tas telihat semua.
• Basuh tas dengan air pelan-pelan sambil gosok-gosok tas dengan sikat semir septu yang belum pernah dipkai 😀 .
• Jika ada noda yang sulit dihilangkan, gunakan air hangat untuk membersihkannya.
• Untuk noda tinta pulpen memang sulit dihilangkan pada bahan kanvas ini.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

What is kavu rope bags?

In the following paragraphs, I'm basically going to provide you with a third party review of Kavu Rope tas wanita murah 50 ribuan Bags. At the finish of it you need to know whether or not this is actually the right bag for you.
The bags are created by KAVU (which means Klear above Visibility Unlimited), a Seattle organization founded in 1993 by a team of climbers and outside enthusiasts. The brand is recognised for its outdoor-lifestyle driven clothing and accessories, which are designed primarily for that convenience of outdoor-sports enthusiasts, but get attention from the others who use it for everyday needs. Ask any active and outdoors person concerning the perfect bag and odds are, they'll mention Kavu rope bags. 

They have been known to combine the simpleness, roominess, convenience as well as comfort that backpacks and messenger totes bring. The straightforward style the bag is uncommonly practical- basically created as women's bag (but now unisex), the bags are ideal for climbing, work, a health club or just out and about. It has been known how the distinctive characteristic associated with these bags are their flexible rope straps which sit perfectly over the shoulder and over the back just such as in messenger bags, offering the same simple carrying. Although, these bags possess a distinctive styling which are unlike messengers, totes or backpacks grosir tas import batam murah but provide the same room for their requirements. Many people have said that the bags are good for keeping things organized, especially for many who need to keep their hands free, for instance rock climbers. 

However, you don't have to be into sports to use one. They make a very stylish bag for every day use. You have the main compartment for large items, such as clothing or groceries, and you also have smaller, padded external pockets for cellphones, purse or keys. The messenger styling of the rope straps are one of the many reasons that the bags are extremely popular. Users like that the straps stay round the shoulder in a fashion that is very comfy, making it a far more convenient option when compared with a handbag or big rucksack, but still leaving your hands free. Roominess is an additional reason people adore their rope bags. The 3rd factor, the eco-friendliness from the materials used with regard to Kavu rope bags is certainly something very vital that you, its target audience, who're primarily nature-lovers and fans from the great outdoors.
The bags distinctive strap design and styling may also be found on additional Kavu bag styles like the Mailer Shoulder handbags and Sidewinder Cross Body Bag.

How to choosing perfect party outfit?

Choosing the perfect party outfit is rarely an easy task! There's a great balance to be found between what's fashionable, what fits you and what is ideal for the occasion like in That's why we've chosen to give you many ways on different kinds of party wear then when to wear them!

Maxi Dresses
The maxi dress trend has gone out en force this winter, and it also's an excellent way to be comfortable and appearance fabulous your Christmas party. A maxi dress is an ideal party hunt for cooler months, since it will usually be warmer than shorter styles. The idea that you ought to be tall to use a maxi dress is really a total myth! It's information about finding a dress that fits your shape.
If you're an hourglass figure then go for just a dress having a pulled in waist, empire line utilizes apples, plus a v-neck is flattering for virtually every shape. Pears should select a style that skims the hips as opposed to hugging, and it also's crucial to get an outfit that's the correct length.
Maxi dresses may also be perfect for curvy girls! A plus size maxi dress might be fabulously flattering in addition to stylish, and so they come in a terrific range of colours and designs!
To receive the maxi dress look perfect just add gladiator heels plus a smart clutch bag, as well as a stylish bolero will both look great and keep the particular cold out! Maxi dresses or floor length dresses have for ages been the recommended attire for formal occasions, therefore, if your office party is black tie, a maxi dress is the best solution!

Tea length dresses
If you do have a slightly less formal Christmas party approaching then you could opt for any shorter, tea length party dress. Some women find shorter dresses more at ease, and they is usually easier to find in a number of styles. Like with maxi dresses it is best to dress for a strengths. If you then have a small waist this's an incredible idea to demonstrate it off which has a fabulous waist cinching dress!
50s style dresses by having an a-line or flared skirt are suitable for pear and strawberry shapes alike while they skim a more impressive bum or hips and stabilize broad shoulders!

Trousers & Skirts
But remember, you don't have to utilize a dress, lots of women now feel much more comfortable wearing trousers, and you could get some gorgeous going outfits that come with trousers and skirts!
Choose an embellished top for the tas wanita murah berkualitas glamorous, sparkled look that's excellent for Christmas. Or convey a sheer top to smart trousers for the simple, tailored style! Heels along with a sequinned bag can modify a simple outfit into something's party perfect! This makes the trousers or skirt option perfect to get a quick turnaround. If you need to go completely from work to a Christmas party then adding several accessories along with a change of top is best suited!

In conclusion, locating the perfect party outfit is around finding an issue that's not just on trend, but you're comfortable in too! There's silly wearing the modern look grosir tas import if you're horrible inside. So opt for full confidence in a gown or outfit that highlights your favourite areas and provide a subtle nod to fashion.